R.B.Lee – Fox Terrier (1889)

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History and description with reminiscenes,

of the Fox Terrier.

Author: Lee, Rawdon Briggs, 1845-1908
Subject: Fox Terrier
Publisher: London. H.Cox
Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT



A volume such as this purports to be, devoted
to a variety of terrier, would twenty years ago (1869)
have been considered altogether superfluous.
Now, in 1889, so popular have dogs grown, and such
attention is given them, that a book which in its entirety
tells of the variety most popular of all the Fox Terrier,
as he has been and as he is becomes, as it were, one of
the necessities of the day.  And so I was requested to do
the best I could in the matter.
The result of my labours is given in the following pages,
and if the reader fails to find any novelty therein, he will,
at any rate, have a resume of the history of the smooth coated
and wire-haired fox terriers, and some few trifling
scraps of information that have not hitherto appeared in
April, 1889.


Lee was a respected writer in his day and considering that this book was printed when Captain John Tucker of Sealyham and Rev. John Russell were alive it throws some light on the thinking behind the selection of terriers at that time.

Chapter 2 in particular has information of the decline of the Fox terrier as a working terrier even in 1889. The Shows had a major impact on the breed.


This download is in two parts

Fox Terrier RBLee 1

Fox Terrier RBLee 2

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