The Fox – T.F.Dale (1906)


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The Fox

Fur, Feather and Fin Series.

Author ; Thomas F. Dale

Printers; Longmans Green and Company

Printed; 1906


The following was written in 1906 and therfore
reflects the laws and practices of that era.

The book is presented because of the historical
interest that terriermen may have about bygone days.
Preface to The Fox

The design of the Fur, Feather, and Fin Series is
to present monographs, as complete as they can
possibly be made, on the various English birds,
beasts and fishes which are generally included
under the head of Game.

Books on Natural History cover such a vast
number of subjects that their writers necessarily
find it impossible to deal with each in a really
comprehensive manner ; and it is not within
the scope of such works exhaustively to discuss
the animals described in the light of objects of

Books on sport, again, seldom treat at
length of the Natural History of the creatures
which are shot or otherwise taken ; and, so far
as the Editor is aware, in no book hitherto
published on Natural History or Sport has
information been given as to the best methods
of turning the contents of the bag to account.

Each volume of the present Series is, therefore,
devoted to a bird, beast, or fish. The
creature’s origin is traced, its birth and breeding
described, and all the sportsman’s methods of
dealing with it are set forth.



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