

Irish Foot Harriers Association                                   Endorsement received

The Hunting Association of Ireland

IMFHA Irish Masters of Foxhounds Association

Irish Masters of Beagles Association

IFA Countryside

National Association of Regional Game Councils

Irish Game and Country Fairs   (Incorporating Irish Sports and Country Life Magazine)

The Irish Farmers’ Journal – The Voice of Ireland’s Farming Industry Online

RISE – Rural Ireland Says Enough


Scottish Association of Country Sports (SACS)      Endorsement received

Countryside Alliance Ireland                                     Endorsement received

Country Sports Ireland                                              Endorsement received

National Working Terrier Federation – UK            Endorsement received

Fell and Moorland WTC

Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain

Countrywise Forum                                                    Endorsement received

Société de Vènerie – France 

FACE – Europe

Masters of Foxhounds Association of America



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