Animal Welfare Conference, Dublin Castle 16th May 2014.

Committee Updates. (28th May 2014)

Animal Welfare Conference, Dublin Castle 16th May 2014.

The true success of any animal welfare conference is the progress that can be made in codes and practices which directly affect the life and eventual death of all animals. To this end the federation will continue to promote best practice for our terriers and the quarry we control.

At forums like this, the discussion of terrierwork and its use on farms in Ireland will be challenging as not everyone understands the need for predation managament and pest control. We were fortunate to meet open minded people from all sectors prepared to listen and debate the current reality in the field. The Irish Farmers Association (87,000 members) are at the top of one of these sectors.

Below see a portion from an article in the Irish farmers Journal this week by Mr. Matt Dempsey. For the complete article download it here. Farmers Journal post Welfare Conference 2014


“However, the audience was not entirely composed of nar­rowly focussed activists.

I was intrigued to meet some Cork members of the terrier association. (I.W.T.F.) This countrywide as­sociation  will voluntarily undertake vermin control measures on farms overrun with problems such as rab­bit, mink etc.

Ultimately nature is a balance. With foxes gone in some areas, natural predators may not exist and an imbalance inevitably occurs. Because so many have some farming roots, Irish people are probably better at rec­ognising the necessary balances that have to be struck compared to many of our more urbanised neighbours.”

Matt Dempsey Article-Farmers Journal post Welfare Conference 2014 02_001

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