City Foxes. – A new problem, an old solution.

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Committee Updates. (06 December  2014)

City Foxes. – A new problem, an old solution.

City Foxs 10

In recent months several members have been requested to remove Foxes from urban areas. This problem seems to be on the increase in larger cities and residents have revealed that they are terrified to leave their children out in their own back gardens. While happy to provide a solution that is humane and efficient, privacy of the homeowner is paramount. On more than one occasion residents expressed a fear of being targeted by the Irish Taliban Anti Hunting groups and anyone who has viewed these Anti websites would understand their concern. For these property owners this is a growing problem, a problem that local councils did not have a realistic solution and the advice from animal welfare organisations is simplistic and unworkable. This is changing rapidly and terriermen are ready to continue the work that is require

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